- The Making of a Village Part 1
- The Making of a Village Part 2
- Penallt in the Early 1700s
- Probert Parish Links
- Archaeological Jottings
- Interesting finds at Old Church Cottage
- Witches – Black and White
- Penallt’s Ghosts
- A Victorian View
- Penallt’s Industrial Past
- The Wye Valley Railway and Penallt
- Memories of the Railway
- The Nearly Railway
- Penallt and Administration
- The Installation of Electricity and Water
- Penallt in 1894
- Social Life in the Old Days
- The Old School
- Penallt School
- School Reports
- Pancakes and Harvests
- Penallt and National Charities
- Royal Celebrations
- Plus ça Change
- Penallt in the First World War
- Memories of the Second World War
- The Falklands
- Times Remembered
- A Decade of History
- 19th Century Reminiscences
- And so to end
- Earning a Living in the 19th century
- Melancholy Memoranda
- Indicative Chronology