Peter’s Charity Challenge – Closing report ( until next time)

Andy Murphy writes (16th October 2015)
Apologies for the lateness of the update to Peter’s Scottish Yomp, but it is over, he did survive and is back in full chef mode wielding the pans. The fat lady may not have sung but the skinny chef certainly did the walk, or hike or yomp; 30 km over Scottish Highlands with a full back pack in 10.5 hrs is not bad for a man who 7 or so years ago had a triple heart bypass and at the start of this year was off for 7 weeks following an operation for a strangulated hernia..
So what happened …..
After an overnight coach journey to Fort William – a bowl of pasta and a few hours’ sleep, Peter set off at 7am with the 60 or so other participants for the gruelling challenge. At this end we were monitoring progress via Facebook with the odd check on air ambulance call outs – at least Lucy was, because my IT skills barely allow me to send an e mail (David I should have come to your computer classes a few years ago).
10.5 hrs later it was all over apart from the aches, pains and blisters and a celebratory ceilidh, which brought on pains of a different sort. Another bowl of pasta, an overnight coach journey back to Newport and two days later Peter was back behind the pans planning his next challenge for some time in 2016.
This really has been a terrific effort and a big thank you goes to every one who has supported and sponsored Peter over the past few months. Peter’s original target to compete in the event was to raise £1000. With a few donations still to come in, the total will have reached £2500 for a fantastic and very worthy charity.
Until next time ……. WELL DONE PETER !!!!!!
Andy Murphy writes (27th August 2015)
Well the day of judgment is almost upon us (or at least on Peter) – at the time of writing there are 14 days 13hrs 15mins and a few seconds to go until Peter sets off on his 30 mile yomp through the Scottish Highlands in aid of The Royal Marines Charitable Trust.
Over the last few weeks there have been strong rumours circulating about the arrival in the village of a ne’er do well hermit living out of his ruck sack. We can now put minds at rest, the murky apparition has been Peter in his training gear who, in between lunch and evening service, has been doing a quick 3.5 mile loop past The Boat and Old Church then back into work (now if that was me having made all that effort I would have popped in to Shaleen’s for a pint (or two).
I do understand that on Peter’s last circuit he received a sterling round of applause and words of encouragement from Shaleen and Abi – at least he thinks it was encouragement but being a chef Peter can become deaf to comments. I’d like to say thank you to Jo who offered us both a lift in her car on the occasion I joined Peter (I was with out a ruck sack), Jo, I really should have said yes.
Finally a very big thank you to everyone who has supported and sponsored Peter in his aim of raising funds for a most deserving charity. Peter’s target to compete was to raise £1000 – he’s now close to £1800 and is hoping to reach the £2000 target. If any one would like to sponsor Peter you can still do so at the pub or by visiting his donation page at Just Giving
Next report due in 14 days 12hrs and 45mins, give or take a few seconds.
18 months ago Peter Hulsmann, head chef at the award winning Inn at Penallt , Penallt, Monmouth was twice (almost) the man he is to day. Peter then weighing in at 22 stone has kept to his 2014 New Year’s resolution and shed almost 9 stone.
If that wasn’t enough Peter, who was 62 in February this year and had a triple by pass heart operation in 2007 has signed up for a 30 mile Commando Training “Yomp” through the Scottish Highlands, looking to raise over £2000 in support of the Royal Marines Charitable Trust.
The march, not exactly a stroll in the park, takes place in September this year and will see Peter and other fund raisers looking to complete a 30 mile route march, through the Scottish Highlands carrying a back pack in under 12 hours.
Peter who before starting out as a chef spent some years in the Navy said, “Having lost more than a few pounds, I needed to get fit again and wanted a worthwhile cause to help me focus. It’s a long while since I last went to the gym”
More information about the event can found at
If you would like to sponsor Peter’s efforts please visit his page.