National Charities

Penallt and National Charities

Over the past twenty or so years parishioners and churchgoers have worked voluntarily for and supported numerous activities, amongst which are:

  • The Treloar Trust (Daphne Hope-Simpson, organiser)
  • The Children’s Society (Annual church effort)
  • The Year of the Disabled (Parish effort)
  • Llanhennock Cheshire Home (WI and the Bush effort)
  • Meals on Wheels (originally organised by Penny Farrer then Jean Crooks and now Yvonne Hodgkinson)
  • Kenyan child sponsorship (WI effort)
  • Blue Peter appeals (The schoolchildren)
  • Riding for the Disables – upon whose behalf Prue Evill ran gymkhanas, Cyril Davies transported ponies, Diana Taylor, Maurice Gardner,Dick Crooks and Peter Breton were all helpers, and the Bush, again, under Jim Wilson (our village ‘Father Christmas’) ran Harvest Festivals.

[from: Penallt – A Village Miscellany]
