Plot PV26

From J C Beachey (January 2012)

I enclose some additional information regarding the large plot on the western edge of Penallt in respect of Monmouthshire’s Local Development Plan. The plot owner is of a local family, keen to enhance sustainable development in Penallt.

Monmouthshire’s Local Development Plan


Representor No. 2166

I am acting for the owner of the large plot known as PV26 at Penallt.

I note the reasonable objections to further development in the village, particularly in respect of transport (no early bus) and the wet nature of some of the sites.

If development proceeds, there is a Planning requirement for a proportion of affordable/social housing, despite there being little prospect of local work.

Virtually all new housing in Wales will probably include the provision of a “home office” (as per TAN22 Sustainable Homes).  This is a viable opportunity for many to work from home if the local broadband issues can be overcome.

In respect of this particular site, the owner is keen to restrict dwelling density, thus enabling planted amenity space to be also enjoyed by existing residents.

The retention of possibly ancient hedgerows is a priority along with planted screening between the site and existing dwellings.

Priority will be given to the retention of ecological features, and the inclusion of enhancements where practicable.  Heating by air source heat pumps can be considered (as no mains gas is available) together with the possibility of aesthetically sited solar PV.

Rainwater run-off and attenuation, together with sewerage issues will be carefully designed and implemented to the latest Codes of Practice in acknowledgement of the high local water table.

J C Beachey (Energy Check) for and on behalf of Mr N Lane
16 Morgan Street

01495 793374
07957 652335
