January 2025 was much colder and wetter than usual. The average maximum temperature of 6.1°C was 2.0°C below the Usk average for January of 8.1°C. The minimum temperature sank below 0°C on seventeen days. The warmest day was the 5th (max = 11.2°C) and the coldest was the 4th with a maximum of 1.3°C.
The measured rainfall was 181.1 mm, was 42% above the Usk* average for January of 127.6 mm. Rain was measured on 12 days in the month, the wettest being the 5th when 38.4 mm fell. There was a period of 15 consecutive days without rain between the 8th and the 22nd inclusive.
February 2025 was colder than average and had much the same rainfall as usual overall. The month had five frosty mornings, the coldest overnight being -1.5°C on the 28th. Overall, the average maximum temperature of 6.9°C was 1.6°C below the Usk average for February of 8.5°C with a maximum of 12.6°C on the 20th.
The average minimum temperature was 2.3°C (1.1°C above expected), a reflection on the continuous cloud cover during the month, broken only by the appearance of blue skies on the last few days which allowed colder nights.
There were 13 days on which no significant rain (0.2 mm or less) fell, and a total monthly rainfall of 82.0 mm was 94% of the Usk* average for February of 87.4 mm. The wettest day was the 23rd with 32.2 mm.
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* Usk is the nearest Met Office station for which long term averages (1981-2010) are available.