January 2025 was much colder and wetter than usual. The average maximum temperature of 6.1°C was 2.0°C below the Usk average for January of 8.1°C. The minimum temperature sank below 0°C on seventeen days. The warmest day was the 5th (max = 11.2°C) and the coldest was the 4th with a maximum of 1.3°C.
The measured rainfall was 181.1 mm, was 42% above the Usk* average for January of 127.6 mm. Rain was measured on 12 days in the month, the wettest being the 5th when 38.4 mm fell. There was a period of 15 consecutive days without rain between the 8th and the 22nd inclusive.
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* Usk is the nearest Met Office station for which long term averages (1981-2010) are available.