13th February 2016
Some 31 film enthusiasts from Penallt and The Narth joined forces last night for the first of Pelham Hall’s new season of film nights, part of the joint programme being staged with Films on the Narth.
The decision to select contemporary films rather than classics (or otherwise) from the past seems to have struck a chord and the current Spring programme looks very attractive indeed, with many of its films featuring prominently in this year’s Oscar and BAFTA nominations.
Last night’s film, Under Milk Wood (2015 version) was not one of these however and, given that Dylan Thomas is not everyone’s cup of tea, seemed a brave choice! It certainly split the quality press reviewers last year with ratings ranging from the Telegraph‘s two stars (“sex-obsessed shambles”), through the Independent‘s three stars (“Snobbery and spanking in rural Wales”) to The Times four stars (“How rarely does the cinema reverberate with meaty poetry like this?”).
Fortunately, the Pelham Hall audience identified far more with The Times than with the Telegraph and the launch of our new programme went down very well indeed, augmented as it was by usherette Cindy and her Häagen-Dazs tubs!
The programme for the rest of Spring is shown below and details of the Summer programme will follow later on.
Fri 26th February: Films on The Narth – The Martian
Fri 11th March: Pelham Hall Film Night – Brooklyn
Fri 8th April: Pelham Hall Film Night – Carol
Fri 22nd April: Films on The Narth – The Lady in the Van
All films start at 7.30 pm. Bar refreshments are available too.