Memories Of WW2

Memories of the Second World War

The Newsletter for Autumn 1984 carried this notice:

‘We are to have our short ceremony with the Act of Remembrance and laying of the wreath at the war Memorial as last year, followed by a service of Holy Communion at St Mary’s. Please come and join us as we remember again all those who died in two World Wars and dedicate ourselves to the cause of peace.’

It continued:

‘Many thanks for all donations received from individuals and organisations towards the repair work done to the War Memorial and the construction of the stone surround. The sum required has now been reached and we are grateful for the interest and the goodwill of all concerned. As no more names could be added to the Memorial a plaque commemorating those lost in the Second World War has now been placed in the Old Church and any donations towards the cost of this will be gratefully received.

Memories of the war period in Penallt are mostly of ‘how we managed with rationing’ and tales of the evacuees. They came chiefly from Birmingham and London, and some are still with us! Mrs Shaw, who became a staunch WI member settled down and stayed in her bungalow opposite the Bush until she moved last year to Gibraltar House in Monmouth; Mrs Wakeling is still happily in her bungalow in Pentwyn and Dolly Davies has kept in close touch with a Mrs Cook, whose baby was born under her roof and called Dolly after her godmother. The ‘baby’ now with grown-up children of her own, comes to stay and Dolly goes to stay with her.

A young soldier serving in North Africa in 1942 sent this poem home to Penallt:

How often do I think of home
So far across the sea,
How oft my thoughts will roam
To those so dear to me.

I‘m dreaming of those happy days
Before we thought of war,
Walking along our pleasant lane
What could one ask for more.

How often do I think of Wales
That land of beauty, rivers, dales.
How oft beneath a starry sky
Do I lie dreaming of the Wye…

[from: Penallt – A Village Miscellany]
