Monmouthshire Local Development Plan update

January 2011
The new consultation process has started and notices have been placed by the Council detailing the areas (PV22 and PV23) which are now open for comment/consultation for 4 weeks starting 7th January 2011.

The notices giving a detailed map of the site are on the bus stop by Crossvane, on the gate opposite the entrance to Green Pastures and on the lamp post outside Tyr Wennol Green Pastures.

PV22 and PV23 are the ground directly behind the row of properties on the Tregagle road out of the village and on the main road to Monmouth opposite Green Pastures. As a result of the previous consultation these have been identified as alternative preferential sites.

From the Additional Site Consultation Report:
There may be legal difficulties with the previous preferred site due to covenants on the land. The owner of part of site PV22 has confirmed that it is available for development and has submitted a petition in support signed by 30 residents. It is considered, therefore, that the potential of the site should be explored further. See map (which may be clicked for an enlarged version).

Despite earlier concerns I can confirm that the Babington Meadow is NOT an additional site.

Penny Woodman
Penallt Community Councillor

December 2010
Please see attached the December newsletter received today from MCC which reports the main findings of the consultation and responses gathered in July 2010 and shows that as a result of this consultation number of alternative sites have been identified which for Penallt now includes Babington Meadow.

The key links in the MCC Planning web site are as follows:

Detailed Candidate Site Assessments for Penallt – now including CS0050 Babington Meadow where it states Point 9 that the development of the site would not result in a loss of public amenity space.

There is a new consultation on these alternative sites opening 7th January – 4th February 2011 where comments can be submitted.

As Trellech United Community Council contains 2 of the 5 villages where alternative sites have been identified I will need to know quickly if there is popular demand to have detailed discussions with the County Council either as TUCC or as Penallt residents.

Penny Woodman
Penallt Community Councillor
Tel 01600 772766

July 2010

Monmouthshire County Council is in the process of preparing its Local Development Plan (LDP) which will guide development and the use of land within the County over the period to 2021.

The LDP strategy proposes allocating some housing sites for up to 15 dwellings in villages, primarily to meet local need for affordable housing. The Proposed Rural Housing Allocations Report is intended to form the basis for an additional informal consultation to assist us in moving forward from the LDP Preferred Strategy to the Deposit LDP where formal housing allocations will be made.

Candidate Site Assessments have been undertaken for all sites in Main Villages with a number of supporting studies informing these assessments. Penallt is one of the Main Villages.

The consultation draft report on Proposed Rural Housing Allocations is available to download here or for inspection at County Hall, the Council libraries and One-Stop Shops. An extract from Main Villages – Llanvapley – Werngifford & Part D, that which refers to Penallt, appears below.

Have your say….
Comments on the report should be received no later than 4.30pm on Friday 30 July 2010.

PENALLT (extract from Main Villages – Llanvapley – Werngifford & Part D)

The Monmouthshire LDP Function and Settlements Study (October 2008) estimated the population of the village to be 186.

Facilities and services
The Monmouthshire LDP Function and Settlements Study (October 2008) identified that the following facilities and services were available in the village:

  • Public House
  • Public Hall
  • Publicly Accessible Open Space
  • Children’s Play Area
  • Sports Ground

Public transport
The village is served by the following bus services:

  • Service 65 Chepstow, Trellech, Penallt to Monmouth (4 services between 7am and 7pm)
  • Service 65 Monmouth, Penallt, Trellech to Chepstow (5 services between 7am and 7pm)

Village character and landscape setting
The village lies within the Wye Valley AONB on a gently sloping plateau rising to the west and north-west. The area to the east of the village has been identified as having low capacity for housing as it forms the upper slopes of the Wye Valley. To the south-west is open countryside divorced from the majority of the settlement by a minor road. To the west the area has better (medium) capacity for housing, although it does form an attractive small-scale and enclosed backcloth and setting to the settlement.

Representations received on Preferred Strategy
Responses to the Preferred Strategy Consultation: Trellech United Community Council requested that the village is restored to its former status as a H3 village.

Housing Need
Penallt is in the Trellech United Community Council area, which a local housing needs survey carried out in November 2006 identified as having 35 households in need. The Welsh Rural Housing Enabler Study estimated that there was a minimum affordable housing need in the Trellech United Community Council area of 50 dwellings

Sites considered
No sites came forward through the candidate sites process. Officers, therefore, have identified five potential sites adjacent to the village. PV22 and PV23 may not be readily available in an appropriate form for development as there appear to be land ownership and access issues. PV24 is limited in size and may only have potential for two or three dwellings. PV25 and PV26 could be easily accessed and are in the landscape character area where development would have least landscape impact in comparison with sites PV22 and PV23, although it is unlikely that PV26 would be acceptable in isolation as it would not have a direct frontage link with the rest of the village. PV26 also has potential biodiversity interest. The owner of PV26 has put the land forward for consideration as a development site, although this was not a candidate site submission.

Proposed site allocations
It is proposed that parts of sites PV25 and PV26 be allocated for residential development for around 10 houses, subject to confirmation of the availability of PV25.

Proposed village categorisation
Notwithstanding the comments of the community council, Penallt was a H4 infill village in the Monmouth Borough Local Plan and its status was not changed in the UDP. As the village, however, is of a reasonable size with a reasonable range of community facilities and has development opportunities, it is considered that it could be classed as a Main Village in the LDP. It is proposed, therefore, that Penallt is categorised as a Main Village and that a VDB be drawn around the main built form of the village (as suggested on the plan below – click to enlarge) with an enlargement to include the new housing allocation.
