History and Archaeology of Pentwyn Farm and Other Local Nature Reserves
Bob Trett’s recent talk on The History and Archaeology of Pentwyn Farm and other Gwent Wildlife Sites brought an end to a year of excellent speakers at the Pelham Hall. He reminded us that wildlife sites are not just about animals and vegetables; minerals, less cuddly than dormice, less cherished than bats, butterflies and orchids, also play an important role in the conserved environment.
There is history to be found in the stones: wild havens were often once part of the agriculture of the area- a small holding, a farm or a parcel of outlying meadows. Man’s handiwork is still to be seen therefore in the ruined cottage, fallen stones of an old wall, and an abandoned well and drainage ditches. Some excellent slides illustrated archaeological discoveries not only at Penallt’s local site at Pentwyn Farm but also the Gwent Levels reserve.