Weather data recording started in Penallt in March 2011 and the first complete month for which we have records was April. The charts below show the monthly summaries from April until the end of December 2011 and also compare Penallt’s 2011 weather with the 1971-2000 overall average data for Ross-on -Wye, the nearest place for which reliable data exist.
Monthly maximum and minimum temperatures
The chart shows that April was an abnormally warm month, that June, July and August were cooler than expected, whilst the Autumn was warmer.
- June 26th was the warmest day of the year with a maximum of 27.2°C
- December 14th had the lowest maximum temperature (since April 1st) of 3.3°C
- Warmest by night was August 1st with a minimum of 15.7°C
- Coldest by night (since April 1st) was December 10th, with a minimum temperature of -0.8°C
April was an incredibly dry month. Rain fell on only five days and the monthly total was 5.0mm. Apart from August, all other months were considerably wetter than the mean data for Ross would suggest, one inference being that the geography of Penallt encourages greater precipitation than that of Ross.
- November had only 4 dry days in the month, whilst December had only 5 days on which no rain fell.
- June 12th was the wettest day since April 1st, with 30.4mm rain.
Further details
Much more information about month by month descriptions of weather in this year as well as the detailed daily data is available here.